Eyebrow transplant is a cosmetic procedure where a lot of experience and skill is needed.

Sparse or thin eyebrows are always a matter of concern in the beauty world. Conventionally, the remedy for this is make-up products. But with modern cosmetic evolution, now we have a permanent solution, THE EYEBROW TRANSPLANT.

The eyebrow transplant is a cosmetic procedure where one’s hair grafts are transferred to the brow area.


The actual procedure is similar to the hair transplant procedure.

Step 1

Our doctor sits with you and understands the results you desire. The doctor will help you to know how the whole procedure is and what results can be expected.

Step 2


The doctor makes sure that you are non-sensitive to the medicines used for anesthesia. The extraction of the follicles either from the nape of the nake or above the hair is done.

Step 3

The extracted hair follicles are displayed to the patient. This makes the procedure transparent to the patient.

Step 4

Now the desired area for the implantation is anesthetized. This makes the patient comfortable, and the whole transplant procedure is now pain-free.

Step 5

Once the procedure is over, the doctor will explain what all medicines should be taken and why. The proper post-procedure cure offered by HAIR LIFE is much appreciated among our patients.

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Randon Pexon, Head of Clinic
