Chemefoliation or Derma Peeling is called chemical peeling. Chemical peeling applies chemicals to the skin to reveal the old layers peel off and youthful skin. 

Chemical peeling reduces: 

  • Acne
  • Scarring 
  • Dark Patches
  • Wrinkling
  • Skin Roughness

The application of chemicals with desired strength to the skin is termed chemical peeling. It causes the skin to exfoliate and eventually peel off. This pays the way for the generation of fresh skin. The newly regenerated skin is smoother, radiant, and youthful.

Advantages of Chemical Peeling

  • Day Care Procedure, No OT setup needed.
  • Safe, Invasive
  • The individualized technique used.

When to use Peels

  • To reduce the fine line under the eyes.
  • Acne scars (including superficial chicken pox scars)
  • Heal the sun damage and aging
  • Reduce wrinkles and dark circles.


The peeling treatment for each individual is personalized according to the skin and problems they face. Your doctor will explain to you what type of peel is required, and it is done. Usually, the treatment can be taken from 15 minutes to 60 minutes. The patient often faces a stinging sensation and mild discomfort, eased by cool compresses on the skin. 

Post Procedure

What to follow after the procedure is also important. The avoidance of certain chemicals, sun exposure, and having your doctor instructs certain food products.

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Complete Medical Solutions in One Place

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Randon Pexon, Head of Clinic
