Hair loss is God’s way of telling me I am a human, said Bruce Wills, sad but true. The fact of hair loss is an alerting concern of today’s generation. Long ago are the days, where “BALD IS DECORATED WITH THE CROWN OF AUTHORITY. The new millennium has taken a U-turn o the cosmetic and outlooks. 

It is estimated that 2/3 of our men and women in India suffer from hair loss or baldness at some point in their life. Though started “invest in your hair, the CROWN YOU NEVER TAKE OFF” is a beautiful but alarming truth. Hair loss, or being bald nowadays, especially among men, is more of a socio-psychological problem than that of medical “NEVER ASK A WOMEN AGE” and “NEVER REMIND MEN ON HAIR LOSS“. Baldness has never kept many of us socially isolated and chained to the world of the low-self esteem. 

Thanks to the new cosmetic adventures like hair transplants and PRPs, now we have a ray of hope. But wait, why opt hair transplant? What about wigs?

There are many reasons why hair transplants can effectively address hair loss.


The best thing to say about hair transplants is that “IT IS ALL NATURAL”. The surgeon takes hair follicles from the donor area, harvests them, replaces them, or restores them where you have baldness. The newly implanted follicles have the same texture, colour. So the hair transplant looks perfectly natural.  


Local anesthesia is administrated during the transplant, making the whole procedure completely painless. Moreover, when you do it in a reputed clinic. 


The best thing is that even though a surgical procedure, the recovery time for the hair transplant is minimal. However, it is always advisable that you should follow the advice of your aesthetic physician and team. 


Hair loss is viewed more than a medical condition. It is an overwhelming situation among youth mainly. The social isolation created by baldness is dreadful. From being a social being to being lonely, the soul is a bitter experience. The hair transplant is done with perfection in a reputed clinic like Hair Life.

In Short, a hair transplant is a golden path to the walkout of baldness.

Published by Dr.Jeremy Smith

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